Audrey Murscoe

Wife of WWII Veteran

Mrs. Murscoe is a delightful person and very easy to talk to. She is very knowledgeable about the time that her late husband, Ralph Murscoe, spent in service to our country. The stories and anecdotes that she heard from him over the years are still vivid in her memory today.

Mr. Murscoe was a son of Austrian emigrants. His father’s family came to America around 1901-1902 and settled in New Jersey.

Right about the time World War II broke out, Mr. Murscoe made the decision to volunteer for service in the Army. He had his basic training at Fort Dix, New Jersey, and was then shipped out to an unknown location. As it turned out, he was being sent to Normandy Beach for what is now known as “the greatest amphibious invasion of all time,” where General Eisenhower was the general in charge. Mr. Murscoe spent about three and a half years without a return trip home. He was not even allowed to come home for his father’s funeral.

Most of the information that Mrs. Murscoe gave was in the form of human interest stories that will touch your heart. She stated that Mr. Murscoe always said that the officers that he was under while in the military were top-notch people, and he was always complimentary of them.

We hope you enjoy this interview with Mrs. Audrey Murscoe,
widow of WWII Veteran, Ralph Murscoe.
Interviewed by Janie Bogus on January 5, 2011
